Friday, November 20, 2009


It takes courage, boldness and tenacity

to keep going past that age of innocence,

yeah, you got to be tough,

like iron on a cold day,

because when lying in bed,

joints screaming and body a limp rag,

that’s no time for whining.


Mainly because the kids

are off talking on their cell phones,

grandson is hopeless addict to video games,

neighbor is drunk and passed out on his porch,

boss is too busy trying some new male enhancer

so he can pretend he’s still twenty-one.


Yeah aging isn’t for wimp,

instead it is for us old babies,

we learn to crawl again

when our backs give out,

drool once more from times face just gets tired,

learn to try and doodle

on those occasion fingers go plain numb.


Really works with such vitality,

borrowed from a bottle of whatever,

only good part is learning ways to fake a smile

so you can lie to the young

how you are really getting better with age,

while secretly snickering

about the shock waiting them in twenty years.


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