Thursday, August 25, 2005


Equality is a wonderful concept. It was noble enough for the writer’s of our Constitution to mention it in that glorious document. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if somehow we could arrange for their to be as they say “a level playing field” in terms of all the possibilities in our society.

But I think we all know it doesn’t work that way. It is the guy with the bucks that pretty much gets to decide on what is equal and you can bet somewhere in all of that his rights will be consider more equal to yours or anyone else’s.

Okay so we all know that you might say. We see it every day. It sucks, it isn’t in anyway fair and if you are the poor working slob at the bottom of the totem pole instead of the top you want it changed.

So how do we do that? I mean without pissing somebody off big time? If we take away from the rich and make new rich will the new rich really be any better? I think that has been tried on plenty of occasions and the old rule about power corrupting is still true in my book.

Which is why my basic approach to this whole thing is one of survival first. For me that works by saying yours is the resources I plan on using to run my city, plus a little extra for me for the hassle of having to put up with all the insanity of being the Mayor. (My rule of course.)

As for mine, well, gosh you know I’d love to do more in terms of putting some in the pot. But I guess I regard it as trying to view it from a simple case of efficiency. I mean here I am a greedy rat and totally inclined towards making sure I suck every possible dime out of the city budget I can for myself. So if I do chip in the blank fact is that I will just figure a way to take it back anyway. Thus if I don’t go through the silliness of giving it to the city I safe everyone the hassle and waste of time figuring a creative way to get it back. Therefore I think that is much more realistic.

Please no sneers when I say that. Trust me I know me well enough to know that I will do that. So why kid myself or go through the silliness of thinking I might change. It is just so much easier to let mine stay mine in the first place.

And that is the part that I don’t mind. Life is so much easier when you decide to be practical, which is sort of a realistic form of equal to me. Okay don’t snarl either. I got the right to think it is equal if I want. Opinions are after all the one form of equality we have yet to either tax or take away. So be grateful they haven’t figured out a process to do that.

Of course who can say what tomorrow will bring in that regard. Who knows there might some day be a mind tax. One you have to pay just for the privilege of thinking and an even bigger one for shooting off your mouth. Gee you know the more I talk about it the more I like it. Hmmm, I wonder if I could get that to fly in my city of Mediocrity? I think I’ll file that one under “things to do when I rid my city of any morals or decency!”


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