Sunday, July 10, 2011

Miraculous Deliverance

once the secret of pugrdome was uncovered
for centuries its miracle powers
where kept guarded by the sacred Hiotic monastery
in the Himalayan mountains.

They guarded their rare herb
that was made from the Aeulith plant
it was so magical in its unthropede healing gift,
one drop place beneath the tongue
would complete cure any illness or disability.

Now thanks to the inzepidicous efforts
of that diligent effort from devoted government agents
this precious substance
was smuggled out of that distant land
in tiny silk sprendleth boxes
each carrying only a single leaf
and attached to the back of ravens,
who were hypnotized by a spell
of the monks with a donesquette technique
so they could soar so far and high,
never stopping until reaching
a small castle in France
owned by a Duke.

There some skilled physicians
would practice the art of miastification
to draw the vimuosity essence
out of the leaf.

Then it was collected in a rare quevipode chalice,
empowered through a thousand hours of pray chants
just to conjure divine favor.

Afterwards this chalice was placed
upon a cargo ship bound for America,
sealed in a silver terpretude
until it arrived at a underground glabreth.

There scientist would refine it
in a laser beam cothornium ,
working for 48 hours without stopping,
finally completely the coughnuscient process
and allowing for its amorphtility.

Now, that incredible essence
is kept only for the few
who learn of its existence
then are able to visit a local Laundromat
give the sign of the bird
that allows for them to receive a dose.


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