Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Like syrup the scenery pours its sweetness
a sunset flowing to cover my heart,
a sky that glides me to dreams,
the sea in wave song dripping its rhythms
and forests that summon their own sugary
to make a day seep inside so enriched
in the soothing, tangential touches it inspires.

Oh I can deny how my senses
are like pancakes waiting to soak up the world,
ready to feel its beauty breathlessly bless
until my spirit just oozes slowly into is images.

For this moment is a paradise
when you treat each second as a dessert,
walking through the many visions
just nibbling on their sights
with a quiet blissful consumption.

Because within I know this hour is only once
my footsteps may not know this path again,
so I will walked with fullness in my soul
completely sampling every encounter
aware I may only inhale it a single time.


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