Friday, December 10, 2010


The strings of two hearts
you once thought were entwined,
with a knot formed assumed as so natural
came while convincing yourself
this relationship was bonded forever, complete an intense,
couldn’t imagine a reason it would ever unraveled.

But promises were grapes that soured,
instead of wine that grew better with aging
it turned into a vinegar I couldn’t drink.

That life I thought I knew
was filled with denied flaws that ruined the truth,
instead of someone I could trust,
I got lost in a dark maze of contradictions
ever hearing some new explanation
for sudden absences,
that always turned out not to be fact.

How sad it was the mask that worn,
which I was told didn’t exist,
slowly seeing the decay of all those illusions
with underneath revealing totally different person existing,
who hid with other lives and places claimed not visited.

Frustrated by the deception
always treated as what I saw
being nothing, but my imagination.

Then came the steady erosion of communication,
vaporous excuses that turned invisible,
drifting away was the intimacy,
left dangling on uncertainty’s rope,
at last accepting it had all been some sick game
and I was just a token being manipulated.

Kicked in the gut by the reality
this was anything, but happiness,
so thrilled when the insanity ended,
fighting my rage from the lies,
happy to seal the memory in Sayonara’s stamp
smiling as the parting when this person’s erratic behavior
was defined as being all my fault.


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