Thursday, October 07, 2010

Down By The Amusement Park

Down by the amusement park
is where we first met,
but you thought I was there for thrills
when I was really lost.
So I went along on the roller coaster
only what you assumed was a face of joy
was really sickness pure and plain.

Yet for once I felt wanted,
felt a hand take mine as if we shared
all the same ideas of happiness.

Now take the tickets and used them
for I know it is all a paradise your crave
though it for me is just filled with pain.

Go and find the high you deserve
and remember me for what we dreamed
because I can’t survive in your garden of smiles
or you be able to thrive in my quiet.

It hurts to reach so hard for what you'll never have
then let go because it only causes pain
now slip away where I can’t go and we’ll both truly live.


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