Tuesday, August 03, 2010

His Secret Place

Hours he spent uttering the mantra
that his guru said would free his soul.

Enduring their ordeals of heat and cold
including sitting naked under an icy waterfall,
praying it would release him of the memories
he craved so desperately to forget.

Still his mind kept revisiting the moment of his weakness
repeatedly whispering, "I'm so sorry,"
to the ghosts of the families
his psychopathic mind had forced him to slaughter.

Fate bringing him to this monastery
while trying escape the police,
slowly letting his demons grow mute
under the influence of their serenity.

Seduced into believing
they could cure his insanity with their spiritual ways.

But the ordeal couldn't silence forever his deadly rage,
finally, his eyes losing their peace,
darkness flaring over his glare.

Rising and accepting his fate,
feeling their teachings had failed,
stomping towards the temple to vent his disappointment.

His heart suddenly turned mellow
after seeing the trusting look in the aged face of his guru,
falling and weeping
bearing his thoughts before his master.

Teacher nods and smiles, "At last you are now free,"
Handing a dagger to his confused disciple,
before adding with a strange eerie sneer,
"Now your heart's secret place
is cleansed of your conscience,
go and make us proud."


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