Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Another Saturday

Layers of seconds droning on
in lethargic monotony,
body bloated from my sugar addiction,
always going to change,
but that was a sunrise
which was always greeted
with procrastination's slumber.

Was just another Saturday
in my thoughts,
not promising hope, nor tears.
The pneumonia sweeping through me
in lightning virus haste,
took me from ordinary,
to intensive care
life dangling on heartbeat precipice.
Diabetes diagnosed in near death agony,
operation performed to keep right lung from suffocating
over being filled with thick infected fluid.

Surviving the trauma, forced to change life
gritting in the trial of shedding my decades of abuse,
facing hours of dietary alternatives
exercise routines I thought before were insane,
embraced in daily ritual.

Life walking a new path
among a wilderness of sweat and calorie free options,
each day grateful for the simple gift of breath
knowing in poignant clarity of one hellish even
how easily it is for that to end.


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