Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Father so desired to give his children
an educational rewarding taste of the past.
Taking them on vacation
to a small historic town.

Pretending not to hear their lament
over the lack of internet and cable,
cell phones confiscated,
he said for their own good!

Grumbling about dad being weird and looking bored
when he showed them the preserved blacksmith stable.
Son wondering if this was an ethnic thing
about somebody named mentally stable guy
with last name of Smith?

Rolling their eyes
after he tried to explain that a hitching post
wasn't a place used by hitchhikers to leave messages.

Finally, hoping to salvage the event
by the memorable thrill of a horse drawn carriage ride.
Nature thwarting his plan
as horse stopped to lift its tail.

Ignoring children's questions,
having scrunched up noses,
about "what's that smell?"

Vowing next year
to take them to Disney World.


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