Saturday, June 26, 2010

One light

One light
shining from within
can burn so bright in any darkness.

Shadows might swallow one's sight,
turning any dream's shine to a hopeless night,
yet as long as we still
cling to that vision's flame
struck by God's match of love,
our hearts will not
feel the coldness
any eve's of doubt
might chill upon our soul.

To believe with the heart
grows eyes over the spirit,
casting a glow
which brings heaven's promises
into our black closets of fear.

Facing the clouds and seeing rain,
instead of merely storms
we listen for the thunder
knowing it is not danger,
but instead is
the voice of God.

As long as our eyes
never loss their hearing
for the tones of divine blessings
in expectancy
ringing out no matter other noise,
then we can always find treasure
where others see


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