Saturday, May 01, 2010

Colonnade Story

Feeling utterly soaked to the bone
by the lingering dew of longing
my heart is impaled by the sabers of power
who bleed my soul of hope and dignity
as I serve as slave in their greenback castle.

It was built by greed upon the jagged isle of need,
and I pause in my misery to gaze out a window of dreams
that overlooks the tempest lake of unanswerable questions
where one can drown in its tainted waters of guilt and doubt.

Deep in the castle's lairs of fear confessionals
where I spent hours whitewashing shadows
the walls murmur with the boasting of tyrants
till a vision stirs in my suffering soul
about the archways to Elysium's love
which dwells beyond that toxic pool of pondering.

Then the agony brings an image of elegance
adorned with the garlands of tranquility
as echoes come from its gossamer celestial columns
rendering me transfixed by its unspeakable beauty.

By the caress of more than brick and stone
where I sense the eternal awaits to be known
the pains of power's abusive foundations fade
as I imagine paddling towards the bedazzling glory
found through a trust in paradise's
colonnade story.


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