Sunday, February 14, 2010

I told you so

Panicking phone call to the tow service

drenched driver rambling about his brakes failing.


Half asleep dispatcher listens with a yawn before saying,

"I'll take care of it,"

before he mutters about idiots and cars taking a dive.


Ole Pete, the mechanic, overhears the conversation,

warns, "Don't send Earl or Pete

to tow, call for a crane, or it'll be a disaster."


Dispatcher snorts and calls Earl on the radio,

before nodding off back to sleep.

Wakes up an hour later,

when Earl's voice comes over the radio,

"Help!" he screams before the mike goes dead.


In frustration, he calls for Pete to head out in a bigger truck.

Only to get another call an hour more.


Looks at Pete, while dialing for a crane,

mechanic just bears that know it all grin,

I told you so.



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