Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Snippets held in their stares

of thoughts they barely say

who use subtle ways to slice at your heart,

make you kept alone and away

from that circle of what they call important,

parties talked about around you

where you are never invited,

laughter shared over joys hard

of which you are excluded,


Just a blur and shadow to be forgotten

because you’re labeled as “don’t touch,”

some leper of behavior branded as strange.


Always left out of any event

an after thought who doesn’t count,

someone whose feelings aren’t worth

any reason to care when they are wounded.


It burns to have those whips of rejection

lashed against your heart

because they have rules to follow

that you are never told,

but are always guilty of violating

where they mock you behind your back

while smiling in their placating faces

though you know nothing you say

will ever make them see you

as other than a pointless slug.


Moments come when you wish to scream,

“I have feelings and wounds cut so deep,”

only they end up gobbled by the wind

spoken in their cruel gossip.


Alone in the night

the scars still sting and the dark is so cold,

ever trying to find some warmth

in the dreams of someone hold to hold

who doesn’t put a knife in your back.





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